Nations of Women

You can make a difference.


By Nations of Women

You can make a difference!

Dear Friends,

It is a brand new day! I always like to really take time to think through what I must share with you all, you know they say patience is a virtue, so I guess that makes us all virtuous women right?

Now, let's dive into our wisdom for this week.

Quote for the week “You are never too small to make a difference.” - Greta Thunberg

TIP: Greta Thunberg’s move to save the earth is a vivid example of age must never be a barrier. That at whatever stage you are in this life you can make a difference. We all can make a great difference in the different spheres of life we find ourselves in; business, science, communication, finance, education, aerospace, environment, community and even our own homes etc.

We all have what it takes to make a difference and it starts everyday.

Last year we started with less than the 2600 people on our facebook and less than 300 on our instagram, however with consistency, focus and commitment to our vision, we were able to reach over 1.2M people globally through our digital footprint. Our overall global impression from both facebook and instargram alone was 1.7M. Never doubt the power of a small committed group of people to change the world or make a difference.

So what's my point I hear you ask? Well my point is you're never too small or old or too late to make a difference to someone, you must be willing and ready to seize the opportunity to ensure today matters.

You can't make a difference to others if you aren't making any difference in your own life, it always STARTS with YOU

Practical application:
​I will share what I have learnt from my mentor and friend John Maxwell to mention but a few;

To make a difference ;

You must learn how to decide everyday what's important to you and just get it done
Remember today may well fall into pieces if you lose your attitude, your attitude is what gives you opportunities or takes away opportunities
Today is yours to make the most of, keep your eyes on what matters most - your priorities will give you focus
To make a difference to others requires you to stretch your imagination, your vision, creativity and thinking, and take time to think of new ways of adding value to others, for it is by adding value to others that we truly become valuable.
You must stay the course, develop resilience, reinforce what is important and make a commitment to do it
You must have a plan for your life and your vision, because failure to plan is planning to fail.
Today can become a masterpiece if you give it that chance, but of course nothing happens by chance.

Put these into practice and see your life begin to take shape as you make a difference to those around you and to your community.

If you need guidance on how to implement any of these, we offer mentorship that you may find immensely valuable.

I would love to hear how you're getting on this week and also how you have been applying last week's wisdom.

Are you ready to gift the world with the difference you have to offer?

Until next week, remember to put these into practice and enjoy the pursuit of your potential this week.

Sending you my love and blessings for your week.

Dr Tina Allton & the NOW Team

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King.